College Moving

College Moving Tips

Before moving into a new college, you should consider moving in a few days early if you have the chance. Moving during a busy move-in period can be tricky, especially if you have roommates who are packing late. Leaving earlier will give you plenty of time to prepare and enjoy your new campus. If possible, try to leave your hometown early so you can explore the campus and make friends before your move-in date. However, moving during a holiday or summer break is an especially stressful time, so moving early is the best way to avoid the chaos.

Help Moving Into Dorms

Before you move into a college dorm, you should take the time to plan what to bring and what not to bring. You should bring multiple boxes and suitcases – one for everyday clothes, one for dressier clothes, and one for bedding and silverware. College dorms often provide these items, but it is still important to decide what is necessary. You may want to hire a moving company to help you move.

You should bring a small tool kit, which includes plastic bins. These are the most convenient storage for a dorm, as they are transparent and can be put under a bed. You should also bring a mallet, which is available at the dorm. Having a toolkit like this will make moving easier. Also, you should label all of your belongings so you can find them later.

It is important to check the rules and regulations of the college before you hire a moving company. Check if the college has rules about the number of adults who can help with the move in day. Some schools allow two adults per room, but others don’t. Make sure to call ahead and ask if they have any guidelines regarding help on move-in day. Some colleges offer student representatives on move-in day to help students with their move.

Help Moving out of Dorms

If you’re planning to move out of a dorm, here are some tips to get you started. First, make sure you’ve cleaned up your dorm room before you move out. Before you pack your things, make a list of essential items you’ll need daily. You can then set aside certain items for your move-out day. Make sure you put away things that you don’t need right away, such as a phone charger.

Make sure you’re ready to move out on time. Most dorms have their own procedures for moving out, including cleaning the place. You can also ask your RA for a checklist. Having a checklist will keep you organized. Some colleges will fine you if you leave your dorm dirty, so make sure you have everything you need. For this task, you can consult a checklist created by your resident advisor.

Get rid of unnecessary items. Unless you’re going to be living at home next year, you won’t need the mini-fridge or bedding. It’s a good idea to donate these items to a local charity. You should also start cleaning your room as early as possible, as a dirty room may not qualify for a dorm deposit. So, get organized and make sure you’ve thrown away anything that doesn’t belong to you!

Storage Between Semesters

Finding storage between semesters when moving college can be a pain. Whether you’re going home for the summer or moving back to school for another semester, you’ll need somewhere to store your belongings. We can save you time and money by packing and repacking your belongings. Moving large items is kind of our thing, give us a call and lets discuss when we can pick up your things.

University housing may offer storage facilities, but many students, especially those from out-of-state schools, don’t want to pack up all of their possessions for a few months or weeks. While there are many options for temporary storage, it’s important to consider all the costs and terms of any facility before choosing one. Make sure you compare prices and terms with private storage companies, and consider who will have access to your items. We make it easy for you, we are only 1 call away from taking. care of everything for you.

Long-term storage can be beneficial if you’re going home for the summer or doing an internship that lasts for more than one semester. You’ll save money instead of shipping your belongings home and back, we can be there, pack everything up and bring it back when you are ready with the piece of mind that everything is taken care of for you. Many storage facilities also offer discounts on the first month, but have hidden fees, we do not believe in that at all.